Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea/cactus juice

Trivita's Australian National Tour
"Inspiring Wellness and Empowering Australians to Achieve Their Life Purposes"

You are cordially invited to be out special guest during TriVita's five-city Australian National Tour as we officially "kick-off£ the Launch of TriVita Australia! Experience the excitement and discover the possibilities as you learn about the multi-trillion dollar global wellness industry and how to create your own successful Trivita Wellness Business in Australia, as TriVita takes wellness to the world.

Attend and discover the possibilities...

  • Be part of history by attending the official launch of TriVita Australia - a unique wellness company and leader in the multi-trillion dollar health and wellness industry
  • Discover the exciting benefits of TriVita's superior quality wellness products and the marketing advantages of having products officially listed by Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
  • Hear about the power of TriVita's proven co-operative media advertising model - your competitive edge in a media-driven world and how you can acquire customers through media to grow your TriVita Wellness Business
  • Receive valuable information and free training that will empower you with the knowledge and branded messaging tools you need to create a successful TriVita Wellness Business
  • Travel to exotic places of the world as you learn, build and grow your business with others who share the passion
  • Receive a free bottle of TriVita;s great-tasting wellness drink called Nopalea™ a free 30-day supply of Sublingual B-12 and CEO Michael Ellison's Book £10 Keys to Create Wealth and Wellness£ for attending
Free orientation and business training...

With TriVita, you are in business for yourself but not by yourself. In fact our success as a company is based on your success as as an Independent TriVita Business Owner. For those interested in owning a thriving TriVita Wellness Business, we are offering a free orientation and business training workshop the evening after each national tour event. What a better way to fast-track your new business!

Registration is Free and Seating is Limited so Register Now !

Click Here to sign up as a Free Affiliate Then Click on Start now on the top menu.

Cities and Dates

  • Sydney: May 19-20
  • Aderlaide: May 23-24
  • Perth: May 26-27
  • Melbourne: May 30-31
  • Brisbane: June 2-3
First day is the kick-off meeting second day is business training
Attend and recieve $60 in Free Gifts

David Ogden
CEO TheInterbiz LLC
Independent TriVita Affiliate 13142173
TriVita Australia Pre-Launch Site

Monday, March 14, 2011


Resveratrol and high fat diets

Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, is the only compound that has lengthened the life of every organism its been given to: yeast, worms, flies, and mice. As far back as 1996 David Sinclair of Harvard University showed that this resveratrol can also combat the ill health effects of a high-fat ("McDonald's") diet in mammals. Mice that were given a high-fat diet as well as Resveratrol lived as long as mice that were fed a healthy balanced diet. Even more interesting is the fact that the mice were not administered Resveratrol until they were 1 year old (the equivalent of a 40-year-old human), which means that the compound is effective at later stages in life presumably after the effects of an unhealthy diet have taken a toll. According to Dr. Sinclair, the compound "improves the chances of survival by 30% on any given day."

Post-mortem examination of these "McDonald's" mice has revealed huge differences between those given Resveratrol and those who didn't receive it. First, the McDonald's mice who received none of the compound had large fatty livers (steotosis) while the ones that received Resveratrol did not. They were indistinguishable from normal livers. In addition, the cardiovascular system of the McDonald's mice where clogged and marked by atherosclerosis, while the mice given Resveratrol looked normal and healthy. Humans exhibit these same symptoms when they have a high-fat diet, so this is very promising that his research may have direct applicability.

The hypothesis is that Resveratrol activates gene pathways which are related to longevity, specifically an enzyme called SIRT1. Mice that lack SIRT1 (knockouts) have a shorter lifespan and more developmental defects compared to wild type mice. It has been postulated that SIRT1 proteins likely promote survival and stress resistance in times of adversity, and that the compound Resveratrol activates SIRT1 protein production.

Does this explain the so-called "French Paradox," where regular consumption of red wine is credited with reducing the incidence of cardiovascular disease among a people whose diet includes large amounts of saturated fats. While moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages seems to be beneficial to overall health, consumption of red wine confers the most significant benefits to cardiovascular health.

More on Resveratrol

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea/cactus juice

Nopal Cactus Juice
Reduces inflammation

According to an article in Time magazine

"…inflammation has become one of the hottest areas of medical research. Hardly a week goes by without the publication of yet another study uncovering a new way that chronic inflammation does harm to the body. It destabilizes cholesterol deposits in the coronary arteries, leading to heart attacks and potentially even strokes. It chews up nerve cells in the brains of Alzheimer's victims. It may even foster the proliferation of abnormal cells and facilitate their transformation into cancer. In other words, chronic inflammation may be the engine that drives many of the most feared illnesses of middle and old age."

In an effort to find a cure, many non-prescription products continue to pop up in the market. For several years now, Mangosteen, which according to some studies, is "compared to the strongest anti-inflammatory drug available." I believe, at one time, that may have been the case. However, today we have a new discovery, TriVita's Sonoran Bloom Nopalea™.

TriVita's Nopalea™ (made from the Nopal cactus) specifically targets signs of inflammation in your body and reduces them quickly.[5] Its betalains and other anti-inflammatory ingredients work directly on the fluid surrounding your cells. There, they draw off the toxins and excess water to reduce inflammation and rebalance the cellular environment.

Harnessing the power of betalains, a rare and potent class of antioxidants that flourish in the Nopal cactus, not only helps to fight inflammation, it combats the poisons that attack our bodies on a daily basis. These poisons in our body come from the air we breather, the water we drink, and the food we eat; Nopalea ™ attacks these poisons where they strike us first: right inside the trillions of cells in our bodies.

According to Marcelle Pick, NP OB/GYN, "our bodies weren't designed for modern life. We're sitting ducks to a daily barrage of toxins, infectious agents and stress, seen and unseen. This kind of demand requires a lot of support to maintain your immune's system resilience. Our go-go lifestyle just doesn't make room unless we pay attention – to everything: what we breathe, eat, drink and absorb and feel. It all has a pro- or anti-inflammatory effect, and for most of us, the factors are skewed toward inflammation."

We need to protect our bodies against these poisons on a daily basis, and that's not just the cells inside the body, it also includes your skin. Your skin is a miraculous covering that protects you from harm. Pollution, toxins, radiation and other potentially damaging influences are kept out of your body by your skin; vital organs are protected inside. One of the first signs of aging is thin, sagging, withered skin that is easily damaged. Nopalea's betalains are working outside your body to help protect your skin.

Nopalea™ rushes to these damaged areas to shore up your protective layer. The betalains in Sonoran Bloom Nopalea™ fill in the gaps of your cells (including the cells in your skin) and return them to the firm, robust nature of young cells – at any age. By providing a healthy environment for the cell, betalains keep it from withering.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterbiz LLC
Independent TriVita Affiliate 13142173
Click here to take the Sonoran Bloom Nopalea Wellness Challenge
TriVita products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.